The survey
The first version of the Recyclability Assessment Methodology (RAM) – developed by PA consulting on behalf of Defra is open for feedback until 31 October 2024.
The methodology has been designed ahead of mandatory use by producers when submitting their EPR data, to inform the EPR fee modulation for recyclability beginning in 2026.
It is not clear yet exactly when registered producers under EPR will be required to input their packaging formats into the RAM, but what is clear is that further data and detailed information will need to be collected ahead of mandatory use. For instance, producers will likely be asked about UK collection and sortation infrastructure available for their packaging types, and the use of any recycling inhibitor such as certain inks or chemicals.
As it stands, packaging placed on the market in 2025 will be modulated via the RAM with, as stated, fees being attributed to it after April in 2026, so we can expect further guidance and information on timelines soon.
The criteria set out in the methodology means packaging formats will be given either a green, amber, or red status. Green implies the packaging is both recyclable and there is adequate collection and recycling infrastructure in the UK, and will therefore attract a lower fee than amber or red types.
This was the first opportunity to provide feedback, a second version will be open for public comments later in 2024.
The Ecosurety response
You can download Ecosurety’s draft response here.
The draft methodology
Access the draft methodology here.
Submit your feedback
The survey to submit your feedback can be found here.
If you have any questions relating to the government proposals and consultation, please contact your account manager directly or call us on 0333 4330 370 or email

Louisa Goodfellow
Policy Manager
As Policy Manager Louisa provides key support to our team, including preparing reports on environmental policy issues and maintaining awareness of new developments.